Author Archives: Justin Simonetti
Striping & Marking
Parking Lot striping and traffic marking is a key component to a paving or sealcoating project. Gator Construction can lay out and stripe a newparking lot or an existing one.
Parking Lot Maintenance
Have you looked at your parking lot lately? Not sure what needs to be done to make things look better? Have you been issued a violation from code enforcement?
Not to worry. Gator Construction can handle all that for you. We handle all types of repairs.
Asphalt Patching – Saw cut and remove old broken asphalt and install new Hot Mix and compact for smoothness.
Car Stops – Broken or Chipped car stops. Concrete or Recyclable
Signage – Removal and Replacement
Concrete & ADA Construction
Installation of concrete curbs, sidewalks and ramps. All these areas subject to abuse from cars and trucks and even heavy equipment. The most common damage is tree roots.
As a result, these areas need attention or repair and replacement every once in a while, and when that happens, it’s time to call Gator Construction. From minor repairs to installation of new curbs, sidewalks, dumpster pad installations, ADA compliant work, call Gator Construction for a free consultation and proposal. Gator Construction service is fast and professional. If your business or subdivision is in need of these areas being repaired, our knowledgable crews will take care of your project from start to finish.
Posted in ADA Construction, Curb Construction, Our Services